The Wixárika culture illustrates us with its stories, myths and healing essences. Hiding a wonderful mystical vision in each of his works of art, which transport us to contemplate the soul and human life.
Works such as bead necklaces and colorful art that easily leave us enchanted, admiring a symbolic character in each of them. On this occasion we present 5 curiosities of the Wixárika culture.
His tongue: The Huichol language is an American language from Uto-Aztec, with the "w" and "h" being the most important. Cora or nayeri, is the language that most resembles that of this culture.
The Burned Hill: This town makes the most important altars in the Cerro del Quemado, located one hour from the Magical Town of Real de Catorce.
Dreaming as art: For this culture, dreaming is an art, in dreams they find the possibility of entering other realities.
Vibrant Colors: His works of art are distinguished by their colorful decoration and representative symbols, which reflect their magic and mysticism. This quality is due to the fact that, in their worldview, the gods communicate with men through colors.
Cosmogony: Its most representative events are part of its "cosmic or true" history, embodied in myths, art, and in all the symbolic manifestations of its community.
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